Dimbulb’s take on the Universe #1…

Posted on September 19, 2008


I am an outsider. All I see is randomness.

All I do in life is try and find a pattern. A pattern that would explain why things are what they are. Why is it like this always? No matter what I do, it doesn’t matter where I go…I always find things to be at random. I try to be organized, yeah, like I don’t have anything else to do. I prioritize things. I try to give my best shot in everything that I do. Yet, it doesn’t matter. All I see is randomness.

Have you ever seen a perfect couple? Two people that have come together to share their lives forever – How do people meet each other?

I don’t believe in destiny. naah, it can’t be true. It is too predictable. It is too, programmed. If it was destiny that would bring two people together, then man! What a waste. No, it can’t be true.

Life is beautiful. Life is not something that is destined to become. It is more like a waterfall. Yeah, waterfall. That’s it. You never know the exact details – all you see is a flow. Although the direction is pretty much the same most of the time, no two instances are alike. Yes, never the same. Randomness, It can’t be anything else.

I’ve read stories. Great ones. Great men fighting for great things. ‘Divine’ as they call them. Justice, God, Love. Big words. Yet, no two stories are alike. It simply cannot be.

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of your life is? I bet you have. But sorry. There can’t be any. Great men have come and gone, the world knows their names. They have given so much to this world. Yet, it is not destiny.  It can’t be. All I see is random people doing random things. How important is it to this Universe?

Could there really be a purpose to life? Evolution. It’s been happening since ages. Primordial soup of organic matter – now walks and talks, it even thinks. Wow, is it really destiny to be all this? It can’t be. Giving meaning to it is like insulting it. You simply cannot name it as destiny. Life is random, Life is beautiful.

to be continued…